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By This file was made by User:Sven Translation If this image contains text, it can be translated easily into your language. If you need help, contact me Flexible licenses If you want to use this picture with another license than stated below, contact me Contact the author If you need a really fast answer, mail me. If you need only a fast answer, write me here. - selfmade with Gimp and Inkscape, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1269786

  1. 아무런 페이지를 띄워 놓고(인터넷 연결 안됨 페이지도 좋습니다.) PDF 파일을 크롬이나 파이어폭스 안으로 넣으면 됩니다. [본문으로]
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